Market segmentation brings us to the third factor that boosts advertising effectiveness.
互联网This paper further probes into the theory of labor market segmentation ( LMS ).
互联网I must remind Mr. James that market segmentation helps to promote sales.
互联网Market opportunities are generally isolated by market segmentation.
互联网Market Segmentation is a sculpture of the production of another industry trend.
互联网Through market segmentation, reshape business processes and take the professional road.
通过市场细分, 重塑业务流程,走专业化道路.
互联网These agencies are usually located in metropolitan areas, where there is greater market segmentation.
这些旅行社通常位于大城市, 那里有更大的市场.
互联网This study supports applicability of market segmentation for needs assessment of health promotion and health education.
互联网Typicalapplications include market segmentation, customer profiling, fraud detection, evaluation of retail promotions, and credit risk analysis.
典型的应用包括市场细分, 客户分析, 欺诈检测, 评价的零售促销, 以及信用风险分析.
互联网Market Segmentation is a prerequisite for the implementation of a marketing strategy.
互联网Which of the following best describes market segmentation? ( 2 marks )
以下哪一项最好地描述了市场细分? ( 2分 )
互联网Market segmentation is one of the most important taches in making marketing stratagem.
互联网Market Segmentation is an important step in STP and Customer Relationship Management.
互联网Furthermore, the paper finds it that the market segmentation also exists.
结果表明, 在长江三角洲地区诸多的行业中市场分割与地方保护仍然比较严重.
互联网In - depth market segmentation on each of the vertical segments is also provided.
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